Faroye Olumide David's profile

Extension of ChatGPT for tecnical writers.

This project is an extension of chatGPT for technical writers where Github and writing tone are included. The problem i solve here is that technical writers can publish their work on Github after writing them out on chatGPT by doing this their work are saved and can be shared across the globe on Github, also i added a writing tone which technical writers can use while writing on chatGPT. I named this project PACDOCK but like i said its an extension of chatGPT to reduce the stress of users and get a quality writing text for technical writers.
The picture below is the login or signup form.
When users click on login users will see a form asking for there email and password.
And new users can create account as well.
So after putting in the correct email and password users will login to see this page or create an account to get to the page below.
Clicking other option on the top right corner will display that the users can  publish their work to GitHub or users can select a technical tone to be use for their writing. Picture below.
If users click login to GitHub then a form will display to ask users to login to GitHub, then users can connect to GitHub and click continue so as to be connected. Picture below.
Then if connected to GitHub users can publish their work automatically. Also technical writer can set the technical tone of their writing. When a user clicks set tone the user will have to choose the tone they want which will be the standard of their writing.
So users can choose any of the tone they want to use in their writing and after writing out their work they can publish it to GitHub for safety. The tone the user choose will determine the quality of his writing.
When user clicks set tone user will be directed back to the landing page to continue their technical writing, the tone the user choose will determine the quality of his work.
Thanks for watching. 
Extension of ChatGPT for tecnical writers.


Extension of ChatGPT for tecnical writers.

Extension of ChatGPT for technical writers where they can publish their work to GitHub and add a writing tone for a quality job.
